The Tomatoes Don't Lie 2024


Tomatoes still don't lie, but it's time for a refresh of the data set. 

This year I completely revamped my garden, changing its orientation, having knee-high professional raised beds assembled for me, and importing high quality soil recommended by my garden consultant. He planted my all-heirloom tomatoes from seed (rather than purchased seedlings) in what is now almost a completely different environment, and we planted pretty late in the season. 

Therefore, there isn't really any comparison between what happened this year and what has gone before. 

First tomato of summer was a July 4th yellow cherry tomato (in a brand new bed in a completely different garden spot). I had a great crop of full-size tomatoes, but we had a weirdly rainy season and they took forEVER to ripen. Late July. 

I dug up my tomato plants to make room for  winter crops around Halloween. 

If I keep this blog up instead of calling it cleanly quits or decamping to another platform, then we'll start fresh next year. 

Meanwhile, old data sets.  


