Books Read, 2017

This post is purely for the external memory drive.

Arcanum Divinae
Casti Connubi
Dives in Misericordia
Familiaris Consortio
Letter to Families
Redemptor Hominis
Quas Primas

Professional & Devotional 
The Gospels & Psalms, various Epistles
Consoling the Heart of Christ
Good Profit
The Shadow of His Wings
The Spirit of Fr. Damien 

Book Club
Crossing to Safety 
Dear & Glorious Physician
The Idiot 
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Just Felt Like It 
Angle of Repose
Churchill's Trial
The Great Good Thing
Joan of Arc
Hillbilly Elegy
My Italian Bulldozer
The Spectator Bird

Romeo & Juliet
The Tempest
Twelfth Night

Notes to self: A good year, reading-wise, in the sense that I didn't read anything I didn't like, except for Metaxas' Luther, which was disappointing after I'd liked his Bonhoeffer so much. I thought Luther was self-indulgent, and Metaxas should have decreased while Luther increased.  But this was the year of the discovery of Wallace Stegner -- gorgeous prose-- and of being amused by Hitchhiker, which I've avoided for decades, sure that it would annoy me.  Read the bio of St. Damien because we were able to make a pilgrimage to Molokai. Re-read the marriage and family encyclicals in order to give shape to a project for work, and read the rest while on annual Spiritual Exercises -- my slow bid to catch up to the JP II encyclicals I've never read because they pre-date my entrance into the Church. Learned a tremendous amount from Good Profit, and Churchill's Trial was my favorite book of the year.