When even casual sex requires a state welfare program, you're pretty much done for.That does rather focus the mind, no? But here's a little more -- the lead-in to that remark.
Nor is it even the distinctively American wrinkle the Republic of Paperwork has given to governmentalized health care, under which the "right to privacy" the Supreme Court claimed to have discovered in Griswold vs. Connecticut and Roe vs. Wade will now lead to thousands and thousands of self-insuring employers keeping computer records of the morning-after pills and herpes medication racked up by Miss Jones on reception.
Nor is the issue that America has 30-year-old schoolkids – or even 30-year-old schoolkids who expect someone else to pick up the tab for their extracurricular activities, rather than doing a paper route and a bit of yard work to save up for their first IUD, as we did back in my day. After all, the human right to government-mandated free contraception is as American as apple pie and far healthier for you.
In my most recent book, I quote one of Sandra Fluke's fellow geriatrics gamboling in the groves of academe and complaining to the Washington Post about the quality of free condoms therein: "'If people get what they don't want, they are just going to trash them,' said T Squalls, 30, who attends the University of the District of Columbia. 'So why not spend a few extra dollars and get what people want?'" All of us are born with the unalienable right to life, liberty and a lifetime supply of premium ribbed silky-smooth, ultrasensitive, spermicidal, lubricant condoms. No taxation without rubberization, as the Minutemen said. The shot heard round the world and all that.
Nor is the core issue that, whatever the merits of government contraception, America is the brokest nation in history – although the Fluke story is a useful reminder that the distinction between fiscal and social conservatism is generally false.Just for the aphorisms this piece is one of his best.
Then there's this video, which is what Limbaugh was trying to do, and if he'd gone this direction instead of shooting himself in the foot, it would have spared us all a ridiculous and worse, extremely boring, news cycle.
Minor notes:
- Did you hear she pronounces it, "Flook," rhyming with book?
- I somehow missed --Steyn pointed it out and I had to google around to find what he was talking about-- that Fluke was not testifying. That wasn't a hearing, it was a press conference arranged by Nancy Pelosi with a friendly crowd and the press the sole listeners.
- And how is it that this person comes to be on all the talk shows? She's being handled by the PR firm of an ex-White House employee. Nothing nefarious or shocking about that, but it should be known.