He Is Risen!

The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulcher on the Morning of the Resurrection, 

Easter Communion*
Pure fasted faces draw unto this feast:
God comes all sweetness to your Lenten lips.
You striped in secret with breath-taking whips,
Those crooked rough-scored chequers may be pieced
To crosses meant for Jesu's; you whom the East
With draught of thin and pursuant cold so nips
Breathe Easter now; you serged fellowships,
You vigil-keepers with low flames decreased,

God shall o'er-brim the measures you have spent
With oil of gladness, for sackcloth and frieze
And the ever-fretting shirt of punishment
Give myrrhy-threaded golden folds of ease.
Your scarce-sheathed bones are weary of being bent:
Lo, God shall strengthen all the feeble knees. 
--Gerard Manley Hopkins

*He seems to have had rather a tougher Lent than I. Now I feel like a wimp. Though I'm sure I'm just as glad Lent is over.