Top 10 Tweets From B-16

From Tom Hoopes:

  1. April 19, 2005: OMG...habemus ME! lol
  2. April 20, 2005: Great to be on *this* side of desk. Sec. is getting Assisi Franciscan file. Sayonara, Buddha boys!
  3. Aug 18, 2005: Cologne. Never knew why they call it that till now. "Smells like teen spirit" indeed lol!
  4. Jan 25, 2006: Check out new encyc ="Deus Caritas Est" Taylor Swift fans know how to find the secret message (!!)
  5. Sept 8, 2006:  Happy Birthday, M! Spent day reading great dialogues re: Islam. Great passage here4 Tues. speech.
  6. Sept 13, 2006: oops
  7. July 7, 2007: Find motu proprio re: Tridentine. Hey Mr. Tamborine Man don't play no song for me! lol
  8. April 17, 2008: White House= opposite of St. Peter's... Looks bigger outside than in.
  9. July 19, 2009: Here at Sydney. Tie me kangaroo down sport! jk (lol). Really, though, can they call Foster's beer?!? Foster's = a joke
  10. Feb 9, 2010:  great idol 2night...miss Paula but hate to say it Ellen = better.