Spunky Scott Brown

Lots of good stuff from The Corner about the last-minute campaigning in MA. I enjoyed the Brown camp's response to Bob Kerrey's bizarre accusation that Brown is a creationist:
Scott Brown believes in evolution but in the case of Bob Kerrey he's willing to make an exception.
Nice speech at his rally, too. It's policy specific, classy, positive and he sounds like an American. I note this for example, about Obama campaigning for his opponent.
The voters are doing their own thinking, and the machine politicians don’t quite know how to react.  So they put in a distress call to Washington, and the next thing you know, Air Force One is landing at Logan.
My first response is very simple: Democrat or Republican, the president of the United States is always welcome in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
And who talks like this anymore?
I stand before you as the proud candidate of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents across Massachusetts, north and south, east and west.
The party machine is in high gear for my opponent.  The establishment is afraid of losing their Senate seat.  You can all remind them that this is not their seat, it is yours.
Should I have the honor of representing our state in Washington, D.C., I will serve no faction but Massachusetts.  I will pursue no agenda but what is right.  I will be nobody’s senator but yours.
No agenda but what is right? What happened to promising everyone some pork the rest of the nation has been secretly stealing from them?