As ninme points out, they couldn't call Condi for one Russian word? She's fluent. nin found a link making this point:
Dunno about this particular complaint coming from us Conservatives, though. I think I'd rather these particular trains not run on time.
Update: 52 days, 52 mistakes. Although #48 he hasn't done yet: he has to wait for a 30-day comment period to end. Not to worry, though. We can replace it with: stimulus money to Hamas, reversing Mexico city, creating a White House Council to Objectify Women & Steal the Innocence of Girls and dozens of others.
Update 2: Not to mention floating a proposal to make war vets pay for their own injuries? That won't happen, but that it was actually considered?
Despite being given unprecedented access to the White House by a graceful President Bush for a smooth transition — despite the chest-thumping press releases about how great the vetting process was — Obama has, 7 weeks into the presidency, presented only 70 people for Senate approval, out of 1,200 appointments that need Senate confirmation.The Brits can't even get their calls answered. (Although maybe Obama's just screening calls?)
Dunno about this particular complaint coming from us Conservatives, though. I think I'd rather these particular trains not run on time.
Update: 52 days, 52 mistakes. Although #48 he hasn't done yet: he has to wait for a 30-day comment period to end. Not to worry, though. We can replace it with: stimulus money to Hamas, reversing Mexico city, creating a White House Council to Objectify Women & Steal the Innocence of Girls and dozens of others.
Update 2: Not to mention floating a proposal to make war vets pay for their own injuries? That won't happen, but that it was actually considered?