We need a Council on women because women make up more than 50% of our college students, are taking over certain professions (such as medicine) and in our major cities earn 117% of what men do.
No? Well then, perhaps the guest list will tell you why we need it. (Scroll to the end of the story)
Here's just a partial list:
Susan A. Cohen, Guttmacher Institute
Kim Gandy, NOW
Judy Gold, Chair, Women's Policy Council, Obama for America
Sandra Goldstein, Hadassah
Silvia Henriquez, National Latina Reproductive Health Institute
Nancy Keenan, NARAL
Mara Keisling, National Center for Transgender Equality
Kitty Kolbert, People for the American Way
Ellen Malcolm, Emily's List
Kate Michelman
Sarah Morgenthau, Women for Obama
Sammie Moshenberg, National Council of Jewish Women
Irene Natividad, Global Summit of Women
Debra Ness, National Partnership for Women and Families
Darlene Nipper, Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Laurie Rubiner, Planned Parenthood
Vicki Saporta, National Abortion Federation
Ellie Smeal, Feminist Majority Foundation
Susan Thistlethwaite, Chicago Theological Seminary
Got the picture? We need it to be sure no agency of government misses an opportunity to encourage or fund abortion. Not that this was in doubt considering Obama's appointees:
- There's Kathleen Sebelius as Sec. of HHS of course.
- Deputy Attorney General designee David Ogden has been an attorney for pornographers and has filed briefs opposing the Children's Internet Protection Act and other measures to protect children from pornorgraphy.
- Dawn Johnsen, the nominee for the Dept. of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel is the former legal director of NARAL who once argued before the Supreme Court that pregnancy is a form of slavery. The Office of Legal Counsel is responsible for interpreting the law for the Attorney General and for providing lawmakers with neutral, academic interpretations of the law.
- Also going to the Justice Department is Thomas Perelli, prominent in the effort to remove Terri Schiavo's feeding tube.
- Melody Barnes, the director of the Domestic Policy Council, worked on Senator Kennedy's Judiciary Committee staff handling reproductive issues.
- Ellen Moran, the White House communications director, was once the executive director of Emily's List, which works to elect "pro-choice" Democratic women to Congress.
Gee, I hope politics never interferes with "science."
Curtsy: Touchstone for the guest list.
Update: Jennifer Rubin says this is actually Obama giving gals the brush-off & bravo.