Actually, I'm waiting for the kids to fall asleep so that St. Nicholas can come and fill their stockings for his feast day tomorrow. I ran across a cool article about him in The Word Among Us today. It's subscription only, alas, but it includes several dramatic miracles he performed to earn the name "Nicolas the Wonderworker," and also tells us about an excavation of his bones by which scientists are trying to establish "the real face of santa."
Anatomy professor Luigi Martino meticulously examined, measured and X-rayed the bones in the casket. He determined that they all belonged to an older man who stood about five foot six, ate a mainly vegetarian diet, and had a broad forehead, rather large eyes, and somewhat prominent cheekbones. "The condition of certain bones suggested that he had done time in some damp jail," wrote Dr. Martino.You can see a computerized reconstruction of his face --see here for more. ("I don't care what de white man say...")
I think I've linked to the St. Nicholas center in previous years, but here's their page with marvelous St. Nicholas miracle stories. This St. Nicholas drove away demons and calmed dragons. None of that kickin' back with an ice cold Coca-Cola. He was too busy saving his flock: their souls, and also their lives, and quite often their persons from enslavement.