I was once angry with McCain about the Gang of Fourteen, but I begin to think he saved the world with it. Or almost saved it. There is an excellent chance President Obama will have a filibuster-proof Senate, and we're about to see all manner of whackery fly through both houses for the President's blithe signature.
Just fer starters:
- universal medicare
- taxes galore and on things you'd never have dreamed of
- strangulation by regulation for businesses
- Union rule --card check and the end of the secret ballot
- global warming bureaucracy
- voting advantages for Democrats that keep them in power
- felons given the right to vote
- Fairness Doctrine (hush Rush bill) and blog regulation
- Special Interest Potpourri
- FOCA, which will repeal any regulation of any kind on abortion and strip states of the right to limit abortion in any way.
- Nor do they mention the appointing of one or two new young judges who will enshrine Roe v. Wade for the rest of any of our lives.
- Massive military cuts, with resultant "testing" of our resolve. Likely disappearance from history of Israel, Taiwan and South Korea. For starters.