Sometimes Attitude Is All

I meant to include these links as part of this discussion, but it's been a rushed couple of weeks and I plum forgot. So here's an addendum relative to dissent, the formation of conscience and thinking with the mind of the Church. Compare these statements. The leader of the The Congregation Formerly Known As The Transalpine Redemptorists first responds to the "charge" on a blog that his Congregation might be talking to Rome (this was before his order's regularization).
William continued: If this suggestion that they are going to rally to Rome is true, I will be most upset. My family has been a strong supporter of theirs since the earliest days. William if you are an SSPX supporter, and also one of our supporters, you will know that the goal of our work has been carried out with our eyes turned towards Rome, right? How many times has Bishop Fellay [of the SSPX] gone to Rome and talked with the Roman authorities? What is he aiming at? I imagine it is what you would say was in order “to rally to Rome.” That is the eventual destination of the SSPX. It is ours as well. That is why you support us. It is all a question of time; am I right? Because if I am wrong, and we are never supposed to come to the call of the colours, we are in grave error. We are Catholics. We belong in humble submission to the Pope. All who wish to be saved must submit to the Roman Pontiff; that’s De Fide, right? Your family should be very unhappy if, after years of support, this whole thing we call ‘tradition’ doesn’t end up in full and perfect union with the Roman Pontiff. That’s what I am working for. That is also what I hope and believe Bishop Fellay is working for; and it is all a question of time.
Then the announcement, already posted here, and some further explanation and the name change.

Now read these interviews with SSPX bishops: Fellay, Tissier de Mallerais & Williamson. What a contrast, eh? I'm now convinced the SSPX issue has nothing --or very little-- to do with liturgy. It's the document on religous liberty that is the sticking point, clearly, or they would not be speaking in such raw terms about Joseph Ratzinger.