Legitimate Use Found For Che T-Shirts

Have you read the wonderful story of the liberation of our American captives and Ingrid Betancourt? The Colombian army pulled off a daring commando raid wearing rebel costumes:

The stunning caper involved months of intelligence gathering, dozens of helicopters on standby and a strong dose of deceit: The rebels shoved the captives, their hands bound, onto a white unmarked MI-17 helicopter, believing they were being transferred to another guerrilla camp.

Looking at helicopter's crew, some wearing Che Guevara shirts, Betancourt reasoned they weren't aid workers, as she'd expected _ but rebels.

RTWT, it's fabulous. WaTi's lead this morning added this detail.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain had been briefed in advance of the rescue plan during a visit to Colombia.

"It's a very high-risk operation. I congratulate President [Alvaro] Uribe, the military and the nation of Colombia," Mr. McCain said after the hostages were safe.

Our hostages were freed and Big Mac was there. There's something poetic in that.

Update: ninme has more in Arriba Uribe!