My absolute favorite Pentecost celebration takes place at the Pantheon: the dropping of rose petals through the oculus. So cool (to use my most sophisticated and reverent vocabulary). Photos here. The Vatican has posted a collection of texts from various pontiffs on the Holy Spirit & Pentecost. The Pope's homily isn't up yet (check back later), but here's what he looked like and here's

it is Jesus himself who promises that he will ask the Father to send his Spirit, defined as "another Paraclete" (Jn 14: 16), a Greek word that is equivalent to the Latin "ad-vocatus", an advocate-defender. The first Paraclete is in fact the Incarnate Son who came to defend man from the accuser by antonomasia, who is Satan. At the moment when Christ, his mission fulfilled, returns to the Father, he sends the Spirit as Defender and Consoler to remain with believers for ever, dwelling within them. Thus, through the mediation of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, an intimate relationship of reciprocity is established between God the Father and the disciples: "I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you", Jesus says (Jn 14: 20).