Three months after US forces dropped tonnes of bombs on Arab Jubur and put Al-Qaeda to flight, farmers are everywhere out in their fields tending their tomatoes.Waitaminute...I sense a convergence of interests between war on terror folks and earth day folks here:
"When Al-Qaeda was here it was impossible to farm," said the jolly-faced farmer from under an orange cap while taking time out from his labours to visit his cousin's newly-reopened grocery store on a dusty rural road.Another man, whose son Al-Qaeda killed and dragged through the streets, comments:
"Al-Qaeda are the worst criminals on earth," he said standing before large posters of his slain relatives displayed among others killed by Al-Qaeda at a memorial set up at the local community centre."I hope they never come back. We now just want to farm in peace. I hope the Americans stay here for a long, long time," he said.
The American Army: first, restorer of the Marsh Arabs' habitat; now, friend of the organic farmer. Instacurtsy.