For example, he visited the first of the station churches for Ash Wednesday (Zadok explains the custom). On Sunday he starts his annual Spiritual Exercises, and then there's a whole list of liturgical exertions for Lent, Holy Week & Easter. Then: on to the U.S., and from there soon after, Oz.
Update: Well, it was the First Friday in Lent when I started this post, but I won't be able to finish it before the sesquicentennial of Lourdes is observed tomorrow, with a plenary indulgence available (details at the link). So I'm going with this extremely abbreviated version now, and will strive for the usual documents and news round-up later this coming week. Those of you in my diocese can observe the feast thus (you Traddies, there's an extraordinary form mass at St. Bernadette's, Silver Spring, 7:30 pm tomorrow).
Lent-wise, Against the Grain excerpts the Pope's Lenten message & Ash Wednesday remarks, and links to a few Lenten Resources here. Archdiocese of Washington's repeating the highly successful "Light is on for you" program: Confession 6:30-8pm every Wednesday, every parish.