Dept. of The Truth Will Set You Free:
No soy comunista por tres razones, y te lo digo para tu tranquilidad espiritual. Primero, porque el comunismo es la dictadura de una sola clase y yo he luchado toda mi vida contra las dictaduras y no voy a caer en una dictadura del proletariado.
La segunda razón, porque el comunismo significa odio y luchas de clases y yo estoy en contra completamente de esa filosofía. Y la tercera porque el comunismo lucha contra Dios y la Iglesia*
Fidel Castro Ruz , Abril de 1959.
Conversación con el periodista católico Ignacio Rasco
Curtsy: Cubanology. Carne asada & cristianos y moros for dinner tonight. Babalublog notes Raul Castro has already made the worst dictators in the world list. Not bad for the first day on the job. Sen. Mel Martinez says : one Castro down, one to go.
*Translation: I'm not a Communist for three reasons, which I'll tell you for your spiritual peace. First, because Communism is the dictatorship of one class, I've fought all my life against dictatorships, and I'm not going to fall into a dictatorship of the Proletariat. Second, Communism entails hatred and class warfare and I'm completely opposed to that philosophy. The third is that Communism fights against God and the Church. Castro, April 1959, in an interview with a Catholic journalist.
Update: Proof.