The pointman was the VA GOP's redoubtable Ken Cuccinelli (who's eyeing a run for AG). But the real hero is the lone Democrat who voted in favor of the amendment: Chuck Colgan.
Senate Democratic leaders struggled for hours to defeat the amendment, but they were unable to stop Sen. Charles J. Colgan (D-Prince William) from voting for it. Colgan's decision resulted in 20 to 20 tie, which was broken by Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling (R), who voted for the restrictions.Pro-lifers are delighted; predictably both the Cuccinelli and Colgan offices report being deluged with extremely nasty email from Planned Parenthood supporters. If you cared to write a note of gratitude and support, I think it wouldn't go amiss. I'll put the emails here in a form spambots won't recognize, trusting you to translate them into real addresses.
- VA State Sen. Chuck Colgan (D): district29 AT sovDOTstateDOTVADOTUS
- VA State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli (R) : district37 AT sovDOTstateDOTVADOTUS