Abortion's God

Barack Obama's had some disarmingly nice things to say about religion and religious people during the campaign. Prof. K's been reading up and reaches an unsurprising conclusion:
It’s hard not to understand this position as designed, above all, to protect the so-called right to an abortion.
Of course that's probably not how the Senator himself understands his position, but it's the logic of what he says. Prof. K sums it up:
For him, religion is principally a source of reformist energy, to be checked in its excesses by a rationalist, non-majoritarian judiciary. The reformist energy that supports and promotes the agenda of the Democratic Party is to be welcomed and harnessed. Those who have other ideas in mind can be treated with a disarming respect, as conversation partners who can be persuaded but won’t be permitted to persuade. Or they can be criticized and resisted as irrational, divisive, and unconstitutional, not to say hypocritical and un-Godly.

They do worship an awesome God in the blue states. And He unfailingly votes Democratic.