Repeal The 19th Amendment!

This is bad enough (absolutely foreseen about a week ago --scroll to the last graf of the original post), but I will grant that for once Hillary didn't sound --as occasional commenter Rueful Red says --"like your mother-in-law." But then there's this.

Another woman in the group, Alison Hamilton of Portsmouth, New Hampshire said she, like most of the people in the group, had been considering Obama.

But after seeing Clinton become emotional, she said she was going to vote for Clinton.

"Her whole thing today really convinced me but that really did clinch it for me," Hamilton said. "She's very impressive."

Can we all agree that women's suffrage has turned out to be an exceptionally bad idea?

I have not only teared up, I have done so in several different countries: at a friend's wedding in Caracas, at my Baptism in Rome, in pain in Glasgow, with compassion at Lourdes, for my sins at Gethsemane. So I have foreign policy experience! I'd make a great Veep on either ticket.

Update: The evidence mounts.