For Fellow ninmates

You may have noticed ninme's site is down. It's Small Orange's fault. I'll let her tell the tale:
Oy, my server, Small Orange, must have been taken over by evil alien invaders using them as a staging point from which to mount their sinister plot. But in the meantime they've trussed up all the normal people who work there and have to spend a few weeks pretending to know how to run a server. After ALLLLLLLL the downtime and the "we're working on it", for some reason they've suspended the account. Which means all Peter's stuff is down too, as well as my email, and, uh, his email, which means he had to email them to yell at them from his Gmail account.
For those like me who need a ninme fix:
if anyone wanders over to yours for comfort in these frightening times (if they haven't checked the twitter, that is), could you just tell them I'm not dead, nor bankrupt, I should be up somewhere by the end of day but that they might not see that since DNS takes 24 hours to transfer, and could I have a culture of whatever was living inside Half these past few weeks because I'll need it?

Btw, if they want proof of life, it's
Update: She's back, in pared-down form. Yay!
Update: And she's gone again. Wah.
Update: And she's back. Yay!