Fall For Anything

Sowell on Obama:
Sen. Barack Obama says he wants to "heal America and repair the world." One wonders what he will do for an encore and whether he will rest on the seventh day.
Vanderleun on Obama & Huck:
If I hope you don't get elected am I hoping against hope?

Sowell's column is about demagoguery. Isn't it odd that the more cynical we become as a people --the less able to trust anyone's motives or believe we can know the truth about things-- the more we allow ourselves to be moved by the most sweeping political promises? Doesn't it seem that cynicism at least should have the merit of making us as a people deeply suspicious of government power grabs? Yet the opposite seems to be true. The less we believe in, the more willing we are to turn over vast swaths of the public order over to a government we don't trust. However ridiculous the notion that 9/11 was an inside job, one would think at least that folks willing to entertain that idea would by that very token resist nationalized health care. But no.