- An ex-President calls the Al Sharpton show to apologize for campaign rhetoric. I'd say that effectively erases the "Sistah Souljah" moment.
- New Jersey apologizes for slavery (but not for James McGreevey, Jon Corzine, Frank Lautenberg & Bob Torricelli?). Mac Owens 'splains why he's got a problem wid dat.
- Cited previously, NPR "apologizes" for a vicious blasphemy --the apology clearly as premeditated as the original slander.
- A delegation from Columbia University is traveling to Teheran to apologize to Abombnjihad for Pres. Bollinger's rough treatment of him.
For the record, none of these examples constitutes an apology, which requires: harm, guilt, acceptance of responsibility, sincere expression of regret, and firm purpose of amendment. These examples are what's known as publicity-seeking; or folly.