Tomorrow He Comes

Additional pre-Christmas Potpourri:

Today's Angelus message. Meditating on the Gospel, the Pope also evokes Spe Salvi & the Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization. Essentially he teaches if we aren't evangelizing we haven't heard the Good News...not really.
In fact, the truth that saves life, that became flesh in Jesus, ignites in those who receive it a love of neighbor that moves our freedom to give as a gift that which has been freely received. Being reached by the presence of God, who draws near to us at Christmas, is an inestimable gift, a gift that is capable of making us live in the universal embrace of the friends of God, in that network of friendship with Christ that binds heaven and earth, that directs human freedom toward its fulfillment and that, if lived in its truth, flourishes in a gratuitous love and a concern for the good of all people.
Also on Friday the Pope had his annual Christmas meeting with the Curia. He used the occasion to say in his own words what he thought he accomplished this year. Italian here, with English summary.