Talk Amongst Yourselves

Romney gave the Mormon speech I didn't think he should give. Haven't read it or reactions to it in any serious way yet, but Mr. W. says it's the best speech Romney's ever given, and if he'd talk like that all the time --instead of in Business-eze-- he'd be interesting.

Prof. K's on the case (and even wrote his own draft beforehand, so you can compare and contrast). Hugh Hewitt's got the video. Be advised, according to Hewitt:
Mitt Romney's "Faith in America" speech was simply magnificent, and anyone who denies it is not to be trusted as an analyst.
From what Mr. W. tells me, I'm predisposed to agree, but can't legitimately comment yet.

Update: Now I've read the speech myself. What Romney said was marvelous because he side-stepped the Mormon question and also didn't go the Kennedy route of reading religion out of the public square. He instead delivered himself of a masterful lecture on the relation of religion and liberty in the American regime. A lecture everyone needs to hear --the branch of the social conservatives that doesn't understand politics and the elites who can't bear to hear the name of God mentioned in polite society.

The Conservative reaction to the speech for the most part leaves me profoundly depressed. Too many of the reactions are at the level of horse-race, which only tells me that even Conservatives these days are too jaded to be excited about our founding principles --can't even recognize them when they're being extolled. Sigh. We need more Federalist Papers Americans.