She's Only A Woman

Who cares that a Sudanese mob wants to kill a British schoolteacher for allowing her pupils to name the class teddy-bear Muhammad? Not the brave champions of women everywhere:
when asked by FOX News for a comment about the situation, a National Organization for Women spokeswoman said they were "not putting out a statement or taking a position."
Sigh. But, you know, what's one woman more or less?

Oh, wait, here comes the cavalry, the Supreme Muslim Council of Ireland, which:
vehemently abhors and deplores the verdict of guilt issued by a Sudanese Court against the British school teacher Gillian Gibbons for allegedly "insulting religion".

The Council believes that a full criminal trial and now custodial sentence over the naming of a classroom toy is abominable and defies common sense.Indeed it has been clear from the outset that Ms Gibbon did not in anyway desire to malign the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that the choice of name for the teddy bear had come from the children themselves. The only thing to come from this affair is for the name of Islam to be dragged through the mud yet again by bigots.

Now I am just confused. Curtsies to NRO & ninme, respectively.