The Rule Of Smarty-Pantses

Picking up on an update below, I can't express how down-hearted I am about the reserved Conservative response to Mitt Romney's excellent speech yesterday. Every so often something happens that gives us a window into where we really are, and the reaction to the Romney speech is a window into how badly the country --including Conservatives-- has fallen into Progressivist mode. Appeal to the Founding --a stunning human and political achievement-- and all the smarty-pantses of the Left & Right snore and dismiss it as boilerplate, or worse, "code" for something sinister. Natural rights are boring? How we create the conditions for human flourishing and a liberty worthy of man is boring? What are we about if not that?

Even She Who Must Not Be Linked, who loved the speech, concludes her comments on it by revealing stunningly that she fundamentally didn't understand it.

Oh, man. Everyone's homework assignment is to go and read Spe Salvi --which makes intellectual mincemeat of Progressivism-- immediately. Followed by the Federalist Papers. And don't write any more columns til you do.

Update: Prof. K. gets it right.