Pakistan Burning, PVS Patients Waking Up, Catholic Politics Clarified, A Laugh, And Two Myths De-Bunked

  • Yikes! (Pakistan round-up)
  • Awesome medical, creepy moral news.
    Wesley J. Smith on how those "vegetables" are alive in there:a few unconscious patients have been awakened by medication--paradoxically, the sleeping agent that goes by the brand name Ambien. It doesn't always work, but in a few cases, people who have been unresponsive for years have become responsive for the time during which the medication is active in their systems. In Japan, deep brain stimulation of patients in a persistent vegetative state via implanted electrodes has left three of eight patients awake, aware, and communicative, and a fourth markedly improved.
in order to be faithful to the entirety of Catholic teaching on political matters, one has to conclude that on many—perhaps most—of the burning policy questions of the day there is simply no Catholic position.