Cold Feet

Literally. While Tim Blair & ninme were busy amassing photographic evidence that Ole Man Winter did not receive the Global Warming Memo, I lived it. The power went out at our place around 8 am. Some construction-related thing. Came back on at 2:oo pm or so, but meanwhile, a day with no heat in a drafty old home in blustery 40 degree weather. Littlest Weed did not seem to notice in the slightest and went on about his business, but then, he still has fat feet. Me, no matter how many socks I put on under my ridiculous-looking but usually effective down slippers --and in spite of sitting cross-legged under comforters, reading, most of the day-- I could not get my feet warm. And now the heat's been on again for some time, but the chill was so thorough I still can't.

I guess what I'm saying is, like Canada, I wouldn't mind a little Global Warming. How much would it take to get one of those cuddly-looking polar bears to come sit on my feet?