A photo taken at the Vietnam War Memorial. The cards, dated Oct. 1, the day of General Pace's retirement, each had 4-stars attached and read (to different addressees):

Via: Old Sarge, Curtsy: NRO, which also links to this speech Pace gave about his experiences in Viet Nam at West Point 2 years ago. At his (forced) retirement ceremony, he sounded a lot like Gen. Sanchez:
Our democracy is strengthened by divergent views and dialogue about those views when that dialogue is conducted in a civil manner, in a gentlemanly way, in a way that allows people to argue on the merits of what they believe and to understand that what they believe is part of the answer and if they have the willingness to cooperate to find the right answer for our country," he said during a Pentagon ceremony held at nearby Fort Myers.
"And what worries me is that in some instances right now we have individuals who are more interested in making somebody else look bad than they are in finding the right solution. They are more interested in letting their personal venom come forward instead of talking about how do we get from where we are to where we need to be," the general continued.