Release It Now, Padre

Prof. K, who's keeping us all up-to-date on what the values voters are thinking, linked recently to Fr. Neuhaus' smackdown of the lengthy Gray Lady piece on evangelicals. If you missed it, basically the NYT magazine took 13 pp. to opine that evangelicals are splintering every which way and no longer a force to be reckoned with in American politics. Basically he argues it's extremely wishful thinking on the Times' part.

I've nothing to add to that, but I note this:
In the December issue of First Things, subscribers will find a very thoughtful analysis of that prospect by astute brain-truster of the pro-life cause Hadley Arkes. He carefully examines the troubling consequences for the cause if the Republicans are no longer the pro-life party, which, despite his more recent hedges, would be the case if Giuliani were the nominee.
Arkes is pretty much my guru when it comes to how the pro-life case ought to be argued and pursued politically (as he first argued in 1988), so I very much want to see that. Can we make Fr. Neuhaus release the article early?