There's An Obesity Problem In Our Budgets, Too

I've been collecting links for a few weeks, wondering what I'd do with them. Here's one about a grant being given to certain school systems to fund healthy eating programs. An article claiming Arkansas' student weigh-ins are working (although somewhere I saw a piece claiming this is a statistical trick). And yesterday's WaPo on childhood hypertension rates climbing. Everywhere we turn there are new proposed government programs aimed at banning this or that food. I caught ten seconds of Rush complaining about some state somewhere's effort to ban fast food restaurants from certain neighborhoods. Sheesh.

Want to know the single best thing government could do to help our chubby kids slim down? Fight crime, so it would be safe for them to get on their bikes and skateboards and scooters and run around the neighborhood until dark. There's the added benefit that protecting the innocent and punishing criminals is an actual legitimate concern of government.