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From The Ryskind Sketchbook

Which reminds me of two rather delicious fantasies over at The Corner from yesterday. The first is actually a good idea. A reader suggests, since Dems are determined to discount the Petraeus report, that he be invited to address a Joint Session of Congress --so the report can be televised and we citizens can hear the whole thing for ourselves. That was in response to this, which is just yummy. From Petraeus' appearance before Congress as it will not be:

What I cannot countenance is for you today to commend my skill and bravery in Anbar and Baghdad and then tomorrow to hold votes on how futile this struggle is. So let me make this choice easy for you.

I believe we have a good chance to drive Al Qaeda and Iran's network from Iraq and stand up in due time a functioning democracy in Baghdad. I am prepared, even eager, to command our forces in this battle — but only on one condition: That you signal that you share my goal of victory. If you think I am mistaken and wish to continue your efforts to undermine me, then I cannot command.

Absent that signal, I will resign, effective immediately, and take my case to the voters in a run for the presidency on a campaign to finish the work of winning the war and redeeming the sacrifice of so many Iraqis, allies, and our own GIs."