I look at this photo and think it was probably hot when Putin was on vacation. But that is because I am not a trained journalist. A trained journalist
would know:
As Putin’s careful release of the pictures of his own taut form demonstrate, the deployment of male nudity is, above all, a power play. On one level Vlad is showing us all that he’s a remarkably fit man for his age (54) and that, unlike in the decadent West, Russia’s leaders remain the physical embodiment of their nation’s vigour – classical champions in the manner of those Roman emperors who would renew their mandate to rule on the battlefield or even in the gladiatorial ring. His bare-chested peacockery is, in that respect, in line with the broader cult of Putin as his nation’s silverback – the leader of the band.
First of all, is he looking at the same picture I'm looking at (though there is kinduva
Yul Brenner in West World feel to it)? And secondly, this on the heels of the discussion of Hillary's "
display of cleavage" when she wore a v-neck blouse in summertime? These people need to take some time off to re-connect with their spouses, I think.