Possibly The Last Potpourri of Popery Ever

Here's a nice post on our Saint of the Day (Dominic) just to get things rolling.

  • This morning's Audience was on St. Gregory Nazianzus.
  • Sunday's Angelus was on the Transfiguration, and the Holy Father also took the occasion to remember Paul VI and note the passing of the Romanian patriarch. Although he doesn't link to a source, Fr. Z. reports the scene (at Castel Gandalfo) was so crowded the Pope had to take extraordinary measures to greet everyone.
  • Huge if it happens: a meeting between the Pope & the Russian Patriarch is said to be close.



  • Check out St. Teresa of Avila's "doctor of the Church" hat.

And finally (and to explain the post heading): According to the Bible, the Church came to a cataclysmic end yesterday.