I Think I Know Why We Can't Find Bin Laden

'Cause every CIA/DIA/NSA resource in the world has been diverted to chasing Jason Bourne.

Oh, man. In preparation for the big family bonding trek to The Bourne Ultimatum this evening, I had to prep & catch up by watching the first two earlier in the week. The first two installments were very enjoyable, but the finale just ticked me off, being as it is a heavy-handed condemnation of everything the Administration has done to protect us from jihadists since 9/11, and a huge slap in the face to every man who volunteered for service to protect America since that day ('cause it turns out that what Jason Bourne was...and look what he allowed himself to be turned into).

And here I was getting ready all week to talk about how much fun the series is --the pacing, the plot twists, the action scenes, the corruption-in-the-CIA theme kept subtle (I don't mind purification of an institution as a theme), the deft use of comedic relief, the beautiful scenery. Plus, they're watchable for folks like me who prefer their action flicks without intermittent pr0rn & urinal scenes. But for this one my brother put it best:
They left out the sex & urinal scenes so they could put in extra sedition.
Of course, I was pre-cheesed off after the previews, which included highlights from two new anti-American, anti-war-on-terror flicks (and Meryl Streep just happens to be in both). Not content with the mental health profession, Tom Cruise is apparently taking on America now. As a Senator. Bleech. Word to the wise: the upcoming film season looks to be lengthy campaign commercials for the Democratic Party.