For You, Red

Fr. Z. absolutely smashes The Tablet & its ridiculous op-ed on Summorum Pontificum. I posted this where it logically goes, as an update here, but that's so far down the page you'll probably miss this. The Tablet author opines that the extraordinary form of the mass is bad because it is antagonistic to the world, as evidenced by "Ad Diversa" formulas such as "mass against pagans" or mass in time of war. Fr. Z. suggests:
Perhaps we need a few more… for example: Mass "against Liturgists", Mass "against Modernists", Mass "against scandalous op-eds", Mass "in time of war on the Pope", Mass "for fostering swift retirements".

On a positive note, read Bp. William Lori's explanation of the document it's the best I've seen. I can't get a good link directly, so here it is w/ Fr. Z's commentary.