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Amnesty International is now being run by your high school student council, apparently. Which reminds me of a story I forgot to post. AI, which traditionally has taken no stand one way or the other on abortion, has quietly changed its policy. And when I say quietly, I mean secretly. This is from the chair of AI's Sexual & Reproductive Rights Working Group:
It is very important to be aware of the following: This policy will not be made public at this time. As the IEC [Amnesty International’s International Executive Committee] has written to all sections, “There is to be no proactive external publication of the policy position or of the fact of its adoption issued. This means no section or structure is to issue a press release or public statement or external communication of any kind on the policy decision.”
What is the change in policy? AI now promotes abortion as a human right. It claims otherwise, but the distinctions it tries to draw are mere semantics. The bottom line is:
The “Background” paper also states that their new policy is to “call on states to: Ensure access to abortion services to any woman who becomes pregnant as the result of rape, sexual assault, or incest, or where a pregnancy poses a risk to a woman’s life or a grave risk to her health.”
The paper goes so far as to disapprove SCOTUS' upholding of the Partial Birth Abortion ban. Sad.