By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled;
Here once the embattled farmers stood;
And fired the shot heard 'round the world.
Jules Crittenden has a magnificent post with the original orders given the Lexington militia, Paul Revere's account and testimonies from officers on both sides related to the actions at Lexington & Concord. Most interesting to me are the recollections of the King's officers. Who fired the first shot is disputed, but undisputed is that the British commanders lost control of their men, who started firing contrary to orders. Each side intended not to start any action, so we can meditate on that --what great events are thrown into motion, sometimes by a lone hothead firing against orders.
In a much lighter vein, our revolution always puts me in mind of the ads featuring Robert Morley that British Air ran for our bicentennial.

The television version, probably my all-time favorite ad, included an open-armed Morley assuring us,
Come back! All is forgiven!While searching for that image, I came across a humorous remark from a 1983 NYT piece on British Air's ad campaign:
Robert Morley, star of past and present British Airways advertising in this country, will also appear in the image advertising, Mr. Ford said, but only in the United States. The British really don't care for him as a spokesman, according to Mr. Ford, because they don't think he represents the country as it is today. But the Yanks love him.Look at that face! I couldn't be part of a country that doesn't love Robert Morley.