It's the feast of the Sudanese Saint, Josephine Bakhita. Also St. Jerome Emiliani -- a bit overshadowed these days, but I spose he doesn't mind sharing --especially since Sudan needs the prayers.
Papal Teaching
Sunday was Italy's "Pro-Life Day," so the Angelus addressed the protection of marriage and family. For a deeper discussion of marriage, see B16s address to the Roman Rota (the Church's apellate court) --where he politely tells them not to be an anullment factory. More properly, he urges them not to be influenced by relativism or mistaken notions of what a "pastoral" approach means.
the relativistic mindset, in more or less open or subtle ways, can also insinuate itself into the ecclesial community. You are well aware that this is a risk of our time which is sometimes expressed in a distorted interpretation of the canonical norms in force. One must react to this tendency with courage and faith.Truth is the matter in question. Has a marriage been contracted or no? If so, Christ's command that no man put it assunder still applies, however inconvenient:
The indissolubility of marriage does not derive from the definitive commitment of those who contract it but is intrinsic in the nature of the "powerful bond established by the Creator" (John Paul II, Catechesis, General Audience, 21 November 1979, n. 2; ORE, 26 November 1979, p, 1). People who contract marriage must be definitively committed to it because marriage is such in the plan of creation and of redemption. And the essential juridical character of marriage is inherent precisely in this bond which represents for the man and for the woman a requirement of justice and love from which, for their good and for the good of all, they may not withdraw without contradicting what God himself has wrought within them.Don't be tempted to think your work doesn't matter, he concludes:
The contribution of ecclesiastical tribunals to overcoming the crisis of the meaning of marriage, in the Church and in civil society, could seem to some people of somewhat secondary or minor importance. However, precisely because marriage has an intrinsically juridical dimension, being wise and convinced servants of justice in this sensitive and most important sector has the significant value of witness and is of deep reassurance to all.Then there's a very lovely letter to young people on the occasion of World Youth Day (April 1). He invites them on a "discovery of love," and closes looking forward to WYD in Sydney next year.
I want to invite you to "dare to love". Do not desire anything less for your life than a love that is strong and beautiful and that is capable of making the whole of your existence a joyful undertaking
Yesterday's Audience covered Priscilla & Aquila, whose home constituted the first "Church" in Ephesus. He uses their example as a springboard for talking about "the domestic church" and the role of the laity. (He also mentions the catacombs of Priscilla--my favorite catacombs--although it's probably not the same Priscilla.)
- You can earn an indulgence by observing World Day of the Sick.
I find Archb. Tomasi's remarks at a UN interreligious service for peace interesting. He says "tolerance" won't do:
a civilization of tolerance is built on a minefield: When attention lowers, the mines explode.Respect for the human person and the quest for justice are necessary instead. I don't recall seeing an explicit critique of "tolerance" in papal diplomacy before. I could be wrong.
- Iraq: Three deacons ordained. With four more to come.
- China: A new survey says there are 3x as many religious believers there as previously believed.
- A little piece on the Schoenstatt Movement and the canonization process for its founder.
Episcopalian bishop Kate Jefforts Schori thinks Jesus could have been more gracious:
She sees two strands of faith: One is "most concerned with atonement, that Jesus died for our sins and our most important task is to repent." But the other is "the more gracious strand," says the bishop who dresses like a sunrise.(Curtsy to open book, which wonders what the heck it means to dress like a sunrise. Well, it is explained...sort of.)
And... apparently Raiders of the Lost Ark was a work of historical fiction --Himmler really did seek the Holy Grail.