Carpe Calamitatem

Bush wants to seize the day; Senators want to seize defeat. They sound exactly like most of our pundits --and not just the Left, most of the Right as well. The great civilizational crisis of our time? Let's all sit cross-legged and repeat our mantra:
Nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done, nothing can be done...
Hugh Hewitt's calling for Senate Republicans to filibuster and for voters to urge them to do so. He also urges we pledge not to support for re-election any R who votes for this measure --and let the NRSC know we won't donate to them either if they support same.

(I welcome title correction, you Latinists.)

UPDATE: Someone should tell the Senate: Analysts See Chance For Maliki Success.
UPDATE 2: History's scorn.