Suppressing The Black Vote

WaPo is quaking in its boots that Michael Steele might break the Dem stranglehold on black voters. First they swallowed hard and endorsed Republican Gov. Bob Erlich's re-election --just to make him acceptable to Dems and keep black voters in Baltimore and PG Country away from the polls, where they might vote against Ehrlich and for Steele. This morning they doubled down with the world's most dubious poll. Hugh Hewitt has the scoop. He also has hard evidence that polls mean nothing from someone who should know:
I directed a Detroit News poll that ran that day declaring Gov. Jim Blanchard up by an insurmountable 14 points.Two days later, John Engler won the tightest governor's race in Michigan history. Blanchard blamed The News for lulling his supporters into complacency when he needed them to fight hard until the very end. And Engler framed our front page for his new office.I'm not enough of a spin doctor to suggest our numbers were right and Engler closed the gap with a brilliant two-day charge. It was a bad poll. We over-sampled Detroit voters, who weren't as enthusiastic about Blanchard as we thought, and we stopped making calls on Thursday night, two days before press time, and so missed a late surge in Engler's favor.
RTWT. They are trying desperately to foist an undesireable hack on Maryland and keep a good black man down.