Anyone Recall The Millennium Plot?

When Ramzi Yousef tried to blow-up John Paul II on his trip to the Philippines? I bring this up because when people argue that Islamic extremists hate us justifiably, I always wonder what John Paul II ever did to Muslims? Did he defile the Muslim holy places? Did he assault their moral sensibilities? Open Book links to something called the Ramadhan foundation saying
"The late Pope John Paul II spent over 25 years to build bridges and links with the Muslim community. He showed the world that its perception of Islam was false and that we are peace-loving people.
"The Ramadhan Foundation is disappointed that the current Pope has not followed the example of his predecessor;
I'm not prepared to say anything about this group in particular, but I had not noticed any imams praising John Paul II at the time. Au contraire.

(Interesting side-light in the WaPo story relevant to torture, which I hope to address at some point).