We're Back. First I carried the Danish cartoons into Old Jerusalem. Then I went North to the Mackinac Bridge just as terrorists were plotting to blow it up. Blogging in the face of danger, I tell ya. Actually it was a false alarm -- a case of sterotyping Arabs, doncha know. Plus, we never made it that far North anyway --intestinal difficulties running through the family confined us to leg one of our Great Northern Adventure.
I don't think I'll try to catch up on the news of the past week, but for those of you who missed it, you may be cheered by this ad that ran in th LA Times while I was gone. It ran in Variety and another Hollywood venue, too, so perhaps its main purpose was to give heart to other hidden sensible people in the biz? 84 entertainers you don't have to hate. (James Woods, you'll recall, believes he witnessed a dry run for 9/11; Gary Sinise has done yeoman's work entertaining troops and raising money for the kids of fallen soldiers.) Ninme, in her comments section, has a nice tale about Steve Buscemi:
The day after the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, Buscemi went to his old fire station to volunteer, working twelve hour shifts at "Ground Zero" for a week, searching for survivors. He avoided the cameras and worked anonymously.
And we all remember Ron Silver at the Republican convention in 2004. The latter two don't seem to be signers --bringing to 86 the total of Hollywood types who are officially not the enemies of the free world. And God told Abraham he'd save Sodom for only 10 righteous men.
Curtsy to Radioblogger for the photo, and to nin for the story. Click on the ad to enlarge.