UPDATE: Jiminy again. Ninme rounds up a whole bunch more possibly --I'm going to go out on a limb and say likely-- staged photos. Which begs the question: is there no actual damage from Israeli air strikes to photograph? The IDF keeps telling us what success they're having --why does Hezbollah apparently have to manufacture the evidence? The children's toys and extra bodies imported from the morgues I understand --that's propaganda. But what precisely is the purpose of faking a blown up car? Why do they have to photograph a tire dump? Maybe Israel truly is on the cusp of defeat, as this writer for J-Post is saying. Strange.
UPDATE 2: Apparently Caroline Glick is right --Israel just canned its General and put someone else in charge.
UPDATE 3: In Reuters Commits Four Kinds Of Fraud (curtsy: ninme), see a thorough round-up of evidence against not only Reuters, but Agence-Presse France and the NYT. You'll also find four possible answers to my question above. (Speaking of which, a reader tells me that clear proof of an impending apocalypse is my use of the verb "begs" when I meant "raises." He's right of course. I repent. Call off the Four Horsemen.)