Just As Good As A Crucifix & Garlic

Doctor-vampires berate a family into letting their dad "die with dignity" --until the daughter pulls out the Star of David:
My little ruse worked. During the few days after I announced this faux fact, it was as though an invisible fence had been drawn around my mother, my sister and me. No one dared mutter that hateful phrase "death with dignity.

A week later he was off the respirator:
He still mostly slept, but then he began to awaken for minutes at a time, at first groggy, but soon he was as alert (and funny) as ever. A day later, we walked in to find him sitting upright in a chair, reading the New York Times.

Whoops. Looks like the Undead got to 'im after all. Nevertheless, RTWH and learn why it matters whether your doctor is pro-life. ('Cause if not, he's gonna try to kill ya'.)