That earnest, condescending, trying-to-be-patient-with-the-6-year-old voice of Algore's. For years I've recognized it without being able to place it. Holy environmental politics! Now I've got it: he sounds just like Batman. Can't you "hear" him in this snippet from the show?
Batman: Only The Riddler and his ilk would have such a flagrant disregard for private property! This door will have to be repaired.
or this one:
Robin: Holy molars! Am I ever glad I take good care of my teeth!coming close to current politics:
Batman: True. You owe your life to dental hygiene.
Batman: Nobody wants war.
Robin: Gee, Batman. Belgravia's such a small country. We'd beat them in a few hours.
Batman: Yes, and then we'd have to support them for years.
Nor is An Inconvenient Truth the first time Batman's efforts to save us from manmade environmental catastrophe have been captured onscreen.:
Batman: Mr. Freeze, give yourself up. We can get help for you... medical help!
Mr. Freeze: In prison? This I do not believe. No, you must PAY for what you did to me, for forcing me to live like this: never again to know the warmth of a summer breeze, never to feel the heat of burning logs in vintertime! Revenge. That is what I need! Revenge! I will have revenge!
Batman: Poor devil...forced to live in an air-conditioned suit that keeps his body temperature down to 50 degrees below zero! No wonder his mind is warped.