Buy the audio book instead. Not only has Raymond Arroyo written a witty and insightful biography, he turns out to be an uncanny mimic --not only of Mother Angelica, but of Fr. Groeschel, John Paul II, Cardinal Mahoney and the entire USCCB. Many moons ago I used to cover the Bishops' annual conference, and I mean to tell you the more you recognize the voices of the players, the more you'll be amazed at his skill. A perfectly delightful listen.
Not being a cable customer, Mother Angelica never meant much to me; the sole time I ever saw her was after World Youth Day in Denver, when she went on a tear against the folks who tried to send the Pope a message by having a woman play Christ in a tableau of the Stations. I agreed with her, but her style rather put me off, to be frank. But now I love her, even if, in abundance of affection, Arroyo writes as if she were the sole good news in the Church since Vatican II.