Someone, probably an aide, asks Bush something, evidently whether he wants prepared closing remarks for the end of the summit:
Bush: No. Just gonna make it up. I'm not going to talk too damn long like the rest of them.
And of course the line you've all read, commenting on UN inaction:
what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s--- , and it's over.
So how much ink has been spilled in the past few days about the "cycle of violence" in the Middle East, and my boy sums it up in one pithy sentence? (Even the Vatican, no fan of US policy, is frustrated by the do-nothing UN). Bush's remark reminds me: it's widely said that his private speech can be somewhat salty. When his critics --and even his fans, such as myself-- are wincing over his occasionally inarticulate answers, we should remember that he is laboring mightily not to say what he's really thinking. The next time you hear David Gregory or someone pop off at the Prez in the form of a question, envision Bush suppressing, "What a crock, you $%#! know-nothing SOB. . . ." and all will become clear.