Back To The Border

Remember three weeks ago when it was all immigration, all the time? Just in case you're wondering, Bush's support-for-the-border-patrol plan seems to be working. True to form, WaTi reports on "intercepts"

since the beginning of Jump Start in early June, Border Patrol agents -- assisted by National Guard entry-identification teams -- have apprehended 1,251 aliens.

Using state-of-the-art detection technology, video equipment and infrared technology, Mr. Friel said the four-person teams monitor the border from strategic observation points along the border. In addition, he said, National Guard troops have helped the Border Patrol seize nearly 12,400 pounds of marijuana and 190 pounds of cocaine.

Mr. Friel said more than 180 Border Patrol agents have returned to direct border-security duties as National Guard troops relieve agents of non-law-enforcement responsibilities.

An WaPo focuses on the personal stories of deportees.
In seat 7A, Jose de Jesus Galea, 37, stared morosely out his window, unmoved. The burly Salvadoran pet store owner had called Virginia home for 21 years. It seemed incredible, he said later, that he would never again see the flat, forested landscape that was receding rapidly from view.

Um, I'm soft on immigrants, as you know, but maybe he should have considered that before he got drunk, broke into his own home and assaulted his wife and child?