Tasty Reads

Ninme, Queen of Links finds these two items for us.

The latest yummy Hitch smackdown, which she deliciously summarizes as "Depends what your definition of 'Death to Israel' Is."

And this NY Sun piece which, while grateful for the new Clooney-esque attention to Darfur, can't help noticing some contradictions in it. To wit, the Leftists marching for Darfur want military intervention to stop a genocidal regime in Sudan, but opposed the very same for Iraq. Why was ethnic cleansing fine for Kurds & Shiites, the Sun wants to know? Ninme concludes:

They also call the Iraq war illegal because it wasn’t supported by Russia and China who are now blocking attempts to help Darfur. They also call Iraq a war for oil when Russia and China are blocking efforts to help Darfur in order to not threaten their oil supply. But whatever. Maybe they’ll end up saving some lives for once.

Free bonus link: Apropos of nothing except it's open on my screen and I am too lazy to make a second post for it, Ken Blackwell won the Ohio R. gubernatorial primary. (Yay.)